User: Worshipper007

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All the articles belongs to me in either English or Hindi जोभी लेख लिखूंगा वो या तो हिंदी ये English में होगा। This is a Guy who believes in Religion and Geography Mainly,I talk about Indian articles,but from now I will talk about all articles. The Sanatana Dharma believer. Personal introductions: Name: Worshipper007 Profession: Historian, Teacher and Writer Country: Sweden Nationality: Indian I tought students history,geography related stuffs. I am an Indian guy who loves Geography and History very much and I feel glad because of my golden Indian history and I want to share some Indian biggest empires (excluding invaders)

1] Karkota Dynasty (08 M km²) 2] Mauryan Empire (05 M km²) 3] Gupta Dynasty (04 M km²) 4] Chola Empire (36 lakh km²) 5] Chalukya Dynasty (01 M km²)