User:BenFrantzDale/Rotation estimation

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This is the Kabsch algorithm: Find R for a matched set of point clouds to minimize the sum of squared error of rotating one point set onto the other:

assuming the centroids of the point clouds are aligned.

This sum of squared error expands to

Note that an inner product, is the sum which is equal to the sum of diagonal elements of the outer product . That is:

And by linearity, the sum of inner products is equal to the trace of a the sum of outer products. And so we have


Define the correlation matrix, K between the points:

Note that this is the only part of the cost function affected by the rotation. We want to reduce the sum above so we want to maximize the term involving K, so we want to solve


This is solved by singular value decomposition of K. Let:

where is the diagonal matrix of ordered singular values and U and V are orthogonal. (We deal with the case that U or V is an inversion below; for now assume they are positive definite.) So now we have

but trace is unchanged by rotation, so we can multiply by on the left and on the right to get

Now write and note that is the product of orthogonal matrices and so orthogonal. Thus we must optimize:


But is diagonal and non-negative and is always orthogonal, thus this is maximized by choosing such that , so we can set

Then we have:


In reality, we are not guaranteed that is not an inversion. We can correct this by instead setting

Adapted from Geometric Computation for Machine Vision by Kanatani

See also